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      Leng Talon Tasting Tour Booking

Food and culture tour in gastronomy city


History of "Leng Car"

"Leng Car" is a small 4-wheeled bus that people in Phetchaburi Province call. It is called the " Leng car" because more than 30 years ago, Mr. Leng, AKA Hia Leng was the first person to bring this type of car come to pick up people within the Phetchaburi area. The villagers therefore affectionately called Nai Leng's car. Later, it was called Leng for short. until now!


Payment term ;       

Bank Transfer

Make the payment to...

Bank: Kasikorn Bank Public Co.,ltd, 

Account name; Lamrawee Hanpongpandh

Branch: The Mall Bang Kae

Account number: 7512407672  

Reservation and cancellation

Please, don’t cancel at the last minute as events are for small groups and we book the Leng drivers and fresh ingredients for cooking class in portion sizes for every participant. We can’t do anything about it, but last-minute cancellations hurt our small business.

* Reserve for a class with a minimum 3-day notice.
* Refund for more than 2 days(48 hours) cancellation (please send us notification by

* No refund for any cancellation less than 2 days(48 hours) before event. However, we

  welcome sending another person or a friend to replace yours.

* For More information in detail, please leave Line/WhatsApp at +66 0988258420

Registration Details: Please fill out!

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